Thursday, December 28, 2006
Christmas and SNOW for us!!
Christmas day was pretty laid back for us. We opened up presents in the morning and the kids had a ball, as you can see. Later that day some friends came over for a very low-key soup and appetizer dinner. I always miss our family a lot around Christmas, so in some ways that was hard for me.
Two days after Christmas we went to the mountains to see some Christmas snow!!! The day we drove up it was perfect. It was raining when we left Fresno, so it changed to snow when we got high enough. As soon as we got to the snow I said, "It's Christmas!" I love to be there while it's snowing. The kids just loved it too. Elizabeth just kept throwing herself down in the snow to make snow angels. That night we stayed at a hotel with an indoor pool near the mountains. Then today we went up into Yosemite. It was a gorgeous sunny day and the snow was beautiful. The kids love to run and play wherever we are. I am thankful for snow at Christmas, even if it's not at our house!!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
The Chaffee Zoo
On a nice day in December, when W.I. has suddenly changed their vacation policy to a "use it or lose it" just before the end of the year, what to do? Go to the zoo!! Now, our kids get to go to the zoo ALL the time, and it's not that big of a zoo. But they still LOVE it! Usually Luke takes them and it's an "adventure". They love to go on adventures with Daddy. Often on Luke's day off Caleb will be yelling "bencher, bencher" which is his version of the word. So we all headed to the zoo yesterday after my usual Wednesday morning "coffee with the ladies" which is what Elizabeth calls Women's Covenant - the time when our staff ladies have coffee at a coffee shop every week and just talk, encourage, share advice, vent, etc. It was a fun time. Coffee and the zoo.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
stolen cars and such...
Yesterday morning a nice truck showed up in the car port of our neighbors' house across the street. No big deal except that they moved out a couple months ago and no one has lived there since. Later in the morning some guys walked across our yard and then went over and took out the battery and some other parts of the truck and walked down the street with them.
"Huh", I thought, "I bet that truck's stolen." Wanting to be a good citizen, I called the non-emergency police line to report it. I could not believe the run-around I got and I eventually hung up without reporting it as I was on hold for yet another department.
Earlier today the daughter of the home's owner came by and wrote down the license number and called it in. Wouldn't you know it. Right now a cop was looking at the car and a tow truck just showed up to tow it away.
So much for trying to help out.
"Huh", I thought, "I bet that truck's stolen." Wanting to be a good citizen, I called the non-emergency police line to report it. I could not believe the run-around I got and I eventually hung up without reporting it as I was on hold for yet another department.
Earlier today the daughter of the home's owner came by and wrote down the license number and called it in. Wouldn't you know it. Right now a cop was looking at the car and a tow truck just showed up to tow it away.
So much for trying to help out.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Christmas fun!!
One of our traditions is to walk down Christmas Tree Lane every year. It's a 2-mile stretch of road through a neighborhood of OLD houses, mostly very large, with huge tall pine trees along the road, and there are lights strung in the trees all the way to the top all the way up and down the road. Plus the houses are all very elaborately decorated. THe last house at the end is insanely decorated, and this year they added 3 fake snow machines!! They close the road to traffic 2 nights each December for a walk-through, and it's packed. It's very fun. We walked all the way from start to finish and back, and the kids did great!
Friday, December 08, 2006
Some more fun pics
Hey everyone! I figured out how to put slide shows on here, so now you can see lots of pictures! Yay!!!! Hope you enjoy it! If you click on the + sign, the pics will move faster, and if you roll over them, the titles will show.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Operation Nineveh
Hey! Check out this website. If you know of any college students who are interested, it would be an awesome opportunity. Hint: Click on East Side or West Side and then play the video, it's cooler than the website.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Cuttin' Down the Tree

Once again we headed out to cut down our tree at Cobb's Ranch. Here are Luke and the kids standing by our tree. Caleb picked this tiny, 2-foot tree that reminded him of the Charlie Brown tree, and that's the one he wanted. Sorry, Caleb.
So this was decorating weekend. It is done! I even put together some things I'd bought previous years and made a wreath. And today I made whoopie pies (or gobs). Yummy, not so healthy. We're going to share them with the staff tomorrow when they come over for our weekly staff fellowship.
Last week we had several nights with temps in the 20's here, which is cold for us, and the citrus growers were worried. I think they came through it okay. They run warm water through the groves when it's cold like that and use fans to draw the warmth up to the tops of the trees. Interesting...
Tomorrow starts about 2 weeks of busy-ness. In some ways I'm looking forward to it, in others I'm not. In the midst of it all I really should send our Christmas cards. And presents. Yikes! But after the 16th things will slow down till Christmas, which will be nice. Fun days...
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

It's been awhile since I blogged, so here are some pictures of the kids from today. Elizabeth and Caleb are with their "100 babies" as she said. Hmmm, does it really look like they need MORE toys for Christmas? They love to play in our huge play room. Lately Elizabeth has really been into building club houses and Caleb plays with his Geo Trax a lot. They are a hand-me-down toy from some friends whose boys were too old for them, and Caleb has loved them.
Emma is getting bigger - and her hair is getting longer and still not laying down on her head! She loves to grab things and put them in her mouth. We've been playing around with the rice cereal, one of these days it will become part of her routine.
Thanksgiving was a fun day. We had 17 people at our house - not counting babies. With babies I think it was 19 or so. It was hectic but fun. The next day we had some staff over for a game night which turned out to be a little hectic as well. Some of the kids are getting older and want to play games too which the adults hadn't counted on, so.... We've decided we need to re-think our game nights a little bit.
Not much Christmas stuff yet. I think we'll get our tree on Friday and decorate over the weekend. I did make some fudge. Mmmm.....
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Harvest fun times

So now it's November and time for Christmas? No!!! Not yet! Not until we get to be thankful first, right? But I'm trying to go into Christmas mode and think of present ideas at least. We'll see how well I do when Thanksgiving rolls around....
Anyhow, we did go to a harvest party on Halloween. I let the kids choose their costumes and I was rushed and non-creative. So Caleb is Spiderman and Elizabeth is a princess. They got to run around and play some games and eat some candy.
I'm still adjusting to darkness in the late afternoon. The kids have all adjusted to the time change I think and are sleeping till 7 again. Our great sleeper, little Emma, sleeps until 7:30 or even closer to 8:00 sometimes! She goes to sleep around 10 P.M. so it's going well on the sleeping end for her. She's great all around. Speaking of Emma, it's about time to feed her, so.....
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Chirpy's Adventures
Elizabeth's pet chicken Chirpy has lots of adventures, goes to lots of parties, and always has advice. Here's the latest:
Yesterday Luke picked up Emma and took her out of the room because she was crying.
Elizabeth: Well, Emma's off to Chicago.
Me: Chicago, huh?
Elizabeth: Yeah, Emma's going to see Chirpy's Auntie. Chirpy called her on her cell phone and she didn't pick up so she sent Emma to check on her. And did you remember, Mom, that Chirpy has a pink computer?
Me; A pink computer? No, I didn't remember.
Elizabeth: Yes, and she plays toon town on it.
Elizabeth: Emma took Max (Elizabeth's stuffed doggy) to Chicago with her, but she lost him because he chewed through his leash. Emma sent me a postcard.
She makes all this stuff up on a dime. It's hilarious.
Yesterday Luke picked up Emma and took her out of the room because she was crying.
Elizabeth: Well, Emma's off to Chicago.
Me: Chicago, huh?
Elizabeth: Yeah, Emma's going to see Chirpy's Auntie. Chirpy called her on her cell phone and she didn't pick up so she sent Emma to check on her. And did you remember, Mom, that Chirpy has a pink computer?
Me; A pink computer? No, I didn't remember.
Elizabeth: Yes, and she plays toon town on it.
Elizabeth: Emma took Max (Elizabeth's stuffed doggy) to Chicago with her, but she lost him because he chewed through his leash. Emma sent me a postcard.
She makes all this stuff up on a dime. It's hilarious.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Pennsylvania Guests

Anyhow, we just enjoyed being together and I think they all enjoyed the kids. Caleb put on a good show of chasing chickens for them and I think they all even held a chicken! Elizabeth talked their ears off, of course. And Emma just smiled at them - and cried sometimes too! So, yay! They have returned to the coldness of PA now and we are having nice days in the 80's.
Back to life. I am actually enjoying our warm fall this year. At least it's not in the 100's anymore! Today we stopped at a grocery store and the parking lot was full of trees with bright red fall leaves, which was nice.
Okay, I'm off. Emma's screaming!
Saturday, October 14, 2006
the Big Fresno Fair

Then Friday we went to the pumpkin patch. It was very fall-ish and festive. The kids listened to a little story then we went on a little walk in the woods. They also got to take a very brief hay ride, then we ate our picnic lunches and the kids got to pick out pumpkins. It was fun and just about the right length for youngsters.
So -- fun days!!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Another birthday...

Elizabeth is turning 5 already! I can hardly believe it! Her birthday is actually tomorrow, but we had a little party for her tonight. She did such a great job being thankful and polite. Last year at her party she had a meltdown over sharing her new presents with her friends. We had lots of talks about it this year and she did so well. Caleb is wanting to play with her toys a lot though and she's not dealing with that as well. Tomorrow her present from us is a trip to the Build-a-Bear Workshop. She's looking forward to that.
I'm looking forward to a little breather from busy-ness, but it won't last long. We have 2 field trips this week and then Luke's boss from L.A. will be here for a few days and then a visit from my Nana and 2 of my aunts and I know there's something after that too! Most is fun stuff, but still busy!!
Luke just spoke with a friend who was on staff with us in Chester and found out that a young man who Luke and I used to meet with (we met with him and his girlfriend) just got life in prison for shooting and killing another man. Yikes. It's discouraging to hear stuff like that. There are encouraging stories too though. There have to be to keep us going!!!
Monday, September 25, 2006
Yay for fall!

We had a good but busy weekend. Friday was our first park day with Tower Christian School - the homeschool group. They have one each month and they do P.E. for awhile, then have a meeting and eat lunch and sometimes have a guest speaker or something. It was fun, Elizabeth enjoys anytime she gets to play with other kids, and Caleb enjoyed it too! Saturday she had another soccer game and then Saturday night we had our date night courtesy of our babysitting co-op. We had a yummy dinner out and then got free coffee at a new coffee place called Dutch Bros. They were having a grand opening and giving away any drink for free all day Saturday so I had a yummy iced mocha (decaf of course, for Emma's sake!). I, too, love Starbucks. This coffee was very good too, but it's not close to the places I usually go.
We were excited this weekend because both the Penn State and the Steelers games were on here, which almost never happens. Sadly, they both LOST! What is up with that?
Today, back to the week. Elizabeth did great with school. I was running around cleaning up to have our staff here at lunchtime and she did all of her phonics lesson herself! Without complaining! I am thankful for small blessings like that!
Monday, September 18, 2006
Soccer and other fun things...

Caleb loves the Steelers. Hmmm, I wonder why? And he loves trucks and dinosaurs. He has a bit of a cold and is runny nosed right now, but other than that he's fine. He loves to play outside and dig in the dirt when we let him.
Emma's fine. She's so amazingly cute. When she's eating we've started this routine that part way through she "sits" on my lap and looks at me and she just smiles and smiles and coos at me. It's so fun! When I look at her I think, "Oh, I could have another one". Help! I need someone to talk some sense into me.
I'm doing okay. Enjoying some cool weather - at least the nights and mornings anyway. It's crazy how these hot, dry months get to me. I'm so thankful and relieved for the coolness. And next month maybe it will even rain! Last week we had a disconcerting day when I looked outside in the afternoon and our street was blocked off at the corner where our house is - by police cars. Noticing the large group of people standing and staring, I went outside and looked and 2 houses down there were 6 or more police cars and many cops with guns drawn and pointed at the house. I went back inside with my kids! By the time Luke got home from work the cops had started leaving and he went out and talked to the guy who lives in that house. Turns out there was a shooting nearby and they had implicated him, so he let the cops search his house, and they didn't find anything. Still a little crazy. But good to live in the neighborhood where we are and LUke could go out and talk to him and be a neighbor.
Enjoy your almost-fall days wherever you are!
Thursday, August 31, 2006

Here's a picture of Emma today with her eyes wide open! They are still very blue. She's a cutie....
Last night some friends here had a shower for us and Emma. It was a couples shower, the first I'd been to, and it was definitely different having men there! But fun - they added some laughter for sure! And yummy food too....
Monday, August 28, 2006
Sleeping beauties

Emma's doing well I think. She started skipping her 1 am feeding about a week ago so now we get to sleep from about 1o:30 till about 4:00 am. What a great improvement! I think she'd sleep past 4, but we're not letting her try that yet. Maybe another week or so. She still has very light blue eyes and is awake and alert more and more. She loves the ceiling fan and our huge living room window. She smiles at them often!
Elizabeth started school last week. Homeschool, that is. So far so good. She loves it and asks to do school first thing every morning. She'll be an easy one to homeschool. Caleb, who knows? But for now it's going well. She's doing better and better at writing her name, and she very much enjoys her math. It's hard squeezing it in between feedings sometimes, but we have an okay routine for now.
Today we met our new neighbors across the street. They're white, which is weird for this neighborhood. They have a granddaughter who is 5 living with them temporarily, so she came over and played with Elizabeth for awhile. Elizabeth is beside herself to have a playmate across the street. She could hardly finish her dinner! Girls!!!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
More fun

Things are still going well here. Elizabeth LOVES to hold Emma. Actually, she loves to talk to, read to, and sing to Emma and does that for quite awhile everyday. What a good big sister she's been so far! And Emma seems to be calmed by Elizabeth too.
Caleb is into being Superman. The kids went with Daddy to Burger King while I was in the hospital, and Caleb got these Superman glasses there. He came to the hospital wearing them and Luke and I were laughing so hard, it was hurting my incision. When the kids went to walk the halls with me in the hospital, Caleb still wore them the whole time. Very funny. Anyway, here he is with a "cape" and he likes to "fly" when he's Superman. He has learned that there are times when I can't get to him (when I'm feeding Emma) and then he is very mischievous and disobedient. I have to remind myself that he IS two....
We are having a super-long, hot heatwave here. We have had two days of 113 temperatures and many near or at 110. At night the lows are around 90! I am so thankful for air conditioning, but dread our next electric bill. Actually, I guess the whole state of California is in danger of power outages due to such a prolonged heat wave. I hope that doesn't happen.
So all is well. Mommy and Daddy are TIRED. Emma is still learning about night time sleeping. But she is such a cutie and generally a very good baby. She only really cries when she's hungry and sometimes when she wants to be held.
I enjoy your comments!!!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Emma Grace

Emma's here!! These are a few pictures of her and our kids in her first couple days. We are home now and enjoying being here. There's more sleep here and better care!! =)
Emma still sleeps a lot but not necessarily at night. Oh, well. For now it's hard to keep her awake, we'll have to work on that next week. Elizabeth and Caleb are pretty happy with their new baby sister. Elizabeth is trying very hard to be helpful. She told us when she first saw Emma at the hospital, "The most important thing babies need is lots and lots of love!" Caleb wants to take Emma to the park and show her the ducks as soon as possible.
I am doing okay. After c-section #3, the pain is under control for now. I'm still on the pain meds, but I can walk normally at least. And I'm tired, but Luke is being very helpful letting me get little naps whenI can. Of course we miss having family around to come visit us and share our joy, but you all can do it from afar!!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
4th Fun

We did venture out to Hanford, CA for fireworks and fun on July 4th. It's a very family-oriented time and they had some live bands playing. One was really good and played Christian rock music - familiar songs. The kids were dancing and jumping, it was really cute. Elizabeth is working really hard on trying to do a head-stand, she's very close. When the fireworks happened she did hold her ears, but Caleb loved it and all morning today just kept saying, "Fireworks. Dark!" The fireworks display was really long and had lots and lots of fireworks the whole time, I was surprised. I think they had more than other years.
We do have some fun stuff coming up in the next couple weeks - pre-baby. We have some college interns for the summer who need a certain number of hours working with W.I. So one morning they're going to take the staff kids to the zoo! Luke and I are going to have a breakfast date! Next week they're going to watch our kids one morning too so some ladies can have a ladies' breakfast and then a long God Date. That sounds so good to me!!! And one morning next week some friends are going to come help me clean my house for one last time before the baby's born. So.... not just sitting around waiting for the baby will be nice. the kids and I all get bored of that pretty fast!
Friday, June 30, 2006
Hot and heavy....
Hee hee! It's hot outside and I'm getting heavy!!! I personally think my stomach is huge, but at the store today I saw a girl whose baby belly must have been twice as big! Something like 17 days to go now. I'm definitely more and more uncomfortable as this baby gets bigger and "delivery" time gets nearer. Hey, if he/she wants to come early, that's great with me. Anytime now .... I'm past the 36 week mark, so we're good to go. Maybe I should pack a hospital suitcase just in case....
Elizabeth had her last swimming lesson today. She has improved SOOO much in 2 weeks. I've thought of signing her up for the next session too, but the thought of sitting out in that heat again everyday is yucky to me. One of her teachers, Leon, told me today that if I bring her back at the same time next week, he'll give her some lessons for free. She's so close to swimming - she can float on her own and put her head all the way underwater and kick around on the kickboard using her arms at the same time. We'll see....
Tuesday is the Fourth. No big plans here. Maybe we'll barbecue. maybe not. 103 degrees is not so fun for a picnic. We'll probably go again to a little town near us called Hanford where they have a very fun celebration/fireworks in the evening. Elizabeth asked if we could buy 2 snow cones this year instead of one for both kids to share! We'll see...
Happy summer weekend to all of you!!
Elizabeth had her last swimming lesson today. She has improved SOOO much in 2 weeks. I've thought of signing her up for the next session too, but the thought of sitting out in that heat again everyday is yucky to me. One of her teachers, Leon, told me today that if I bring her back at the same time next week, he'll give her some lessons for free. She's so close to swimming - she can float on her own and put her head all the way underwater and kick around on the kickboard using her arms at the same time. We'll see....
Tuesday is the Fourth. No big plans here. Maybe we'll barbecue. maybe not. 103 degrees is not so fun for a picnic. We'll probably go again to a little town near us called Hanford where they have a very fun celebration/fireworks in the evening. Elizabeth asked if we could buy 2 snow cones this year instead of one for both kids to share! We'll see...
Happy summer weekend to all of you!!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Last Sunday our church plant, Home Fellowship Celebration Church, had their monthly celebration time at a park. I opted to stay home since it was 101 that day. But Luke and the kids went. The kids were anxious to try out their new bright greenish fold-up chairs, as you can see. Their friends Toby and Abby liked them too!
Elizabeth has had 2 swimming lessons now. I signed her up at a park in our neighborhood for a couple reasons - because the pool is only a learner pool so it's only 2-4 feet deep - I thought she wouldn't be intimidated by it - and also because I knew there wouldn't be many students in her class! I was right, there's only her and one other girl. So they get lots of individual attention. And I knew it would be an urban experience. I mean, I was okay with the large group of guys smoking pot at the entrance to the park and even with the kids coming up and asking the lifeguards every 2 minutes why they couldn't swim yet. The mom with at least 8 youngsters coming by and cussing like crazy at the lifeguards and our kids because it wasn't time for her kids to swim yet was kinda crrazy. I guess I haven't been out in the neighborhood as much as usual lately!!
And this week Elizabeth is going to VBS every night at a large church in Fresno. Luke has to speak at the VBS every night because they are focusing on World IMpact for their missions emphasis, which means all their donations will go to the W.I. Fresno budget, which is awesome. So she is having a super-fun week. Poor Caleb gets lots of one-on-one time with Daddy and Mommy, but he misses Elizabeth.
Okay, I better rest for a couple minutes before the kids' naptime is over!
Friday, June 16, 2006
Chicks 'n stuff

Elizabeth got 2 new chicks last week. It's been almost a year since our last chick adventures, so we decided to try it again. They've lived a whole week so far! Actually Caleb isn't as obsessed with them as he was before, so they MIGHT live. She named them shadow and Sunflower. Good names, I thought.
And for those of you who have wondered, there is a picture of me with my big baby belly. I don't love those pictures, so there aren't many of them!!
Today was a busy, fun summer day. Luke took the kids to the zoo for a little bit this morning - before it got too hot - and they had fun seeing lots of animals and seeing the bird show. Then this afternoon we decided to check out a local pool at a high school that is very nice. It has waterslides (which we didnt' go on) and the main pool has a beach-like entry so it's great for little ones like Caleb. It also has fun water attractions like a waterfall mushroom, etc. The kids loved it. Caleb loved jumping into the pool from the side over and over and over..... Elizabeth loved the mushroom. We stayed until almost 6 pm. then we had a yummy and cool dinner at Sweet Tomatoes. So, a busy fun day and now I'm ready for bed!!! BUt it's our watering day and this house does not have automatic sprinklers so I'll be up for awhile turning sprinklers on and off so our yard doesn't die. It won't rain again till October, so we have to be pretty vigilant with the water.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
School stuff
This weekend I got to attend (kinda) a home school conference here in Fresno. I went off and on and attended a couple sessions but mostly looked at curriculum for Elizabeth for next year. And bought some. It was fun. Friday night Luke and I both went and looked and talked a lot about what we saw and liked/didn't like. Then today I went back and bought some stuff. I'm thankful that I didn't spend too much money. Just bought basic stuff like phonics, writing, math. And a couple of 1st grade level books in science and American history because Elizabeth reads so well already. And she's been asking lots of questions about freedom. Anyhow, it was good and I'm excited about what I bought.
I also need to get on the ball registering her with Tower Christian School, which is a private homeschool group here in Fresno. (They have a website: That is exciting too. Elizabeth is very excited that she will be having school at home in the fall. She is a great learner.
Caleb is talking SOOO much these days. He also still needs lots of "big hug"s. A very favorite library book of his (which we've probably taken out 4 or 5 times lately) is called HUG. It's about a little monkey going around the jungle seeing all the baby animals hugging their mommies. Then he gets sad until his mommy finds him. And hugs him of course. Caleb loves it.
We're getting busier and busier these days. Then the baby..... Not long now!
I also need to get on the ball registering her with Tower Christian School, which is a private homeschool group here in Fresno. (They have a website: That is exciting too. Elizabeth is very excited that she will be having school at home in the fall. She is a great learner.
Caleb is talking SOOO much these days. He also still needs lots of "big hug"s. A very favorite library book of his (which we've probably taken out 4 or 5 times lately) is called HUG. It's about a little monkey going around the jungle seeing all the baby animals hugging their mommies. Then he gets sad until his mommy finds him. And hugs him of course. Caleb loves it.
We're getting busier and busier these days. Then the baby..... Not long now!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Spring flowers
End of May??!!
I can't believe that tomorrow is the last day of May! Time is flying by these days. Before we know it the baby will be here - yikes! - and I am not ready! I guess I'd better get moving .... sorting through the kids' old newborn clothes, cleaning the car seat and baby bath tub....those things should be done soon I guess! Things here will continue to be busy until a few days before the baby's birth. Summer is just really busy here. Thankfully Luke has cleared his schedule for a couple weeks after the birth so he can help out at home a little more.
Last week Luke and I enjoyed a night away alone together in Monterey. Our 10th anniversary is June 22, and by that stage I will not be able to go anywhere, and also things are so busy we wouldn't be able to anyway. So this was just a little getaway for us. It was great, it's so beautiful in the Monterey area and it was SUNNY while we were there, so we enjoyed a gorgeous sunset over the state beach nearby. And dinner in our favorite seafood restaurant. Very nice.
Well it's off to do laundry and maybe if the kids cooperate I can start to sort through some baby clothes. We'll see....
Last week Luke and I enjoyed a night away alone together in Monterey. Our 10th anniversary is June 22, and by that stage I will not be able to go anywhere, and also things are so busy we wouldn't be able to anyway. So this was just a little getaway for us. It was great, it's so beautiful in the Monterey area and it was SUNNY while we were there, so we enjoyed a gorgeous sunset over the state beach nearby. And dinner in our favorite seafood restaurant. Very nice.
Well it's off to do laundry and maybe if the kids cooperate I can start to sort through some baby clothes. We'll see....
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Yesterday Elizabeth had her last ballet class of the semester, and the students did a special pirate dance for us parents. You can see her at left yelling " Yo ho ho!" And on the right she is taking her turn showing off the different steps they have learned this year. It was pretty cute. I think we're going to take the summer off from ballet and hopefully pick up with it again in August. She will miss it, but life will be very busy.
I had a great Mother's Day. The kids and Luke brought me pancakes in bed in the morning with some roses cut from my garden. They made lots of great Mother's Day cards for me too. Luke's was so nice. Caleb kept saying it was my birthday! And for dinner we went to my favorite Thai restaurant, which is one of Elizabeth's favorite restaurants too. And I got to have my favorite chicken with green curry. YUMMMM....... She had sticky rice and ate the whole bowl! Caleb ate several helpings of Luke's chicken. That's always an amazing feat - Caleb eating, that is.
The kids have been swimming in their pool every day. It was 99 degrees here today. We're supposed to have a cool-down into the 80's soon, so that will be welcome.
I did schedule the c-section for July 17. So our new baby will be born that day - or sooner if he/she decides to, but given my past history, that is unlikely.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Warm weather

We are starting to have WARM weather in Fresno. That means 90's. To me it's hot, but compared to 105, it's nothing! So the kids swam in their new pool for the first time today. Even Caleb splashed around quite a bit in it. He's not as fond of the water as Elizabeth is. She is going to take swimming lessons this summer.
I went to a women's retreat last weekend in the foothills at a place called St. Anthony Retreat. It's a Catholic retreat center that I've been to a few times before, but I really like it. It's so pretty and peaceful there and they make yummy food too! There were only 7 of us in our group from W.I. and our church plant, but it was still a really good time to be quiet and spend some time with Jesus. And we played Mexican Train Dominoes until very late on Friday night! We were all a little giddy.... to say the least!! Anyway, it was good to get away for a day and a night.
Luke's had some tough director-stuff to do lately. He's done it though, and I'm proud of him. Not that there aren't residual effects that he has to deal with still, but it's all good. In the end anyway. He's tired. Allergies are driving both of us nuts right now.
Well, time for us to gear up for summer. And the baby too. Not sure the exact date he/she will be born yet, but I'm thinking probably around July 17. I see my doctor on Friday and I'm going to ask her if we shouldn't be scheduling that soon??
That's it for now. Ta ta!!
Monday, April 17, 2006
Happy Easter!

I hope you all had wonderful weekends celebrating the resurrection of the Lord! Ours is different here, of course, and I do admit that Easter is the one time when I do long to go to a church with more of a liturgy and solemnity about the whole occasion. Easter Sunday, of course, is a time of celebration. And our church plant held celebration that day, although we couldn't have it outside due to rain. (It's been raining almost every other day here for the past 2 months....) We had a potluck brunch. The teen band played worship songs accompanied by some adults, and we heard the easter story, and then there was an egg hunt (in the W.I. gym!!) for the kids. Then our family came home and enjoyed some rest and a yummy roast beef dinner.
The day before, on Saturday, Elizabeth and I colored some eggs. Caleb didn't quite grasp the concept and had to go outside with Daddy to prevent the whole kitchen from being dyed. And the kids did get easter baskets with a little candy and a couple fun toys. So we had a good weekend. We're looking forward to a whole week (at least till Saturday) with no rain in the forecast. Maybe we can get some yard work done. Hmmm....
The picture of Caleb has him holding a chicken we call Big Mama. Some of the chickens have names ( Big Mama, Chirpy, Speedo and one Elizabeth calls Fly of Death) but some don't because we can't tell them apart!
Monday, April 10, 2006

We were also blessed to be able to go to Disneyland free for a day through a contact we have with someone who works there. It turned out to be a cold day in Southern California and it rained a couple times, but that just helps cut down on the lines! We all had a great time. Elizabeth even went on Splash Mountain with Luke. We were able to go to Calilfornia Adventure too and on all the Bug's Life rides there. Elizabeth's favorite ride was the new Buzz Lightyear ride and Caleb loved all the rides. When it was almost 10 p.m. he was yelling "more rides, more rides!!" They both made it all day long, but the fireworks were canceled due to high winds so we left, and they both fell asleep in the stroller before we got out the gates! I bought Caleb his first gun - his Buzz Light year AstroBlaster. He runs around the house yelling "Bad guy, bad guy" and shooting whoever the bad guy is. One of my highlights was riding the teacup ride together after dark and making it spin so fast, the kids were both laughing so hard, it was very fun. Another blessing for our family!
Beach vacation

We returned on Saturday from our week at the World Impact beach house in Oxnard, CA. It's always such a blessing to visit there, a whole big beautiful house to ourselves for a week with the beach just a couple blocks away! What a blessing it is. Although it was cold on the beach, as usual, the kids actually did get wet a couple of times and just enjoyed running and exploring on the beach daily. One day Luke took both of them out in the sea kayak for a very long ride. I was a little nervous about Caleb staying in the boat, but he did fine. I love to just sit on the beach and enjoy the waves and the smell of the ocean and the sunshine. We also got to go to Disneyland - I'll post another entry about that!
Saturday, April 01, 2006

Today Elizabeth had her first T-ball game. We decided it's good for her to have new experiences. She is still very much the ballerina and loves her ballet classes, but she had a great time at her t-ball tame today too. She's playing with a church called People's Church and so all the kids have Pittsburgh Pirates hats, which Luke thinks is really cool. And her friend Aaron is on her team too. Caleb's too young to play, but he wishes he could! He's very much the ball-player, you can see him with his glove he got for his birthday. When Elizabeth went to buy a glove, she chose the pink and purple one. It was quite the thing to see the 4-5 year-olds try to play t-ball, but they did a pretty good job! They all hit the ball and Elizabeth fielded it a couple times and Luke got to help "coach". (He's not the coach, but they need parents' help!!) So it's fun. We're off now for our last pre-baby vacation to the W.I. beach house for a week. Yay!!
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