We were also blessed to be able to go to Disneyland free for a day through a contact we have with someone who works there. It turned out to be a cold day in Southern California and it rained a couple times, but that just helps cut down on the lines! We all had a great time. Elizabeth even went on Splash Mountain with Luke. We were able to go to Calilfornia Adventure too and on all the Bug's Life rides there. Elizabeth's favorite ride was the new Buzz Lightyear ride and Caleb loved all the rides. When it was almost 10 p.m. he was yelling "more rides, more rides!!" They both made it all day long, but the fireworks were canceled due to high winds so we left, and they both fell asleep in the stroller before we got out the gates! I bought Caleb his first gun - his Buzz Light year AstroBlaster. He runs around the house yelling "Bad guy, bad guy" and shooting whoever the bad guy is. One of my highlights was riding the teacup ride together after dark and making it spin so fast, the kids were both laughing so hard, it was very fun. Another blessing for our family!
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