Monday, November 12, 2007

Harvest costumes

Okay, so it's been 2 weeks since Halloween! I couldn't get my pictures to upload into a slide show for some reason, so here's one picture of the kids dressed up. We went to 2 World Impact harvest parties in 2 different neighborhoods that night. The kids had a ball! They didn't get much candy, but the fact that they got some was enough for them. Elizabeth decided to be a ladybug using her costume from her ballet performance. I found Emma's bee costume at our thrift store very cheaply! Caleb wanted to be Jack Sparrow. I just happened to be walking through a store and saw a Jack Sparrow costume in his size on sale. It even included a head thing with hair!
Caleb was hilarious. He went around saying to everyone in his trying-to-be-menacing little boy voice, "I'm Jack Sparrow!" At the second harvest party it was run by teens from our teen club, and he recognized 2 teen girls who have been his babysitters, so he chased them all around the yard with his sword. He had a great time.
Emma just walked around kind of aimlessly in her little bee outfit. She loves men, so whenever she saw a man she knew, she was happy to get some attention.