Last Sunday our church plant, Home Fellowship Celebration Church, had their monthly celebration time at a park. I opted to stay home since it was 101 that day. But Luke and the kids went. The kids were anxious to try out their new bright greenish fold-up chairs, as you can see. Their friends Toby and Abby liked them too!
Elizabeth has had 2 swimming lessons now. I signed her up at a park in our neighborhood for a couple reasons - because the pool is only a learner pool so it's only 2-4 feet deep - I thought she wouldn't be intimidated by it - and also because I knew there wouldn't be many students in her class! I was right, there's only her and one other girl. So they get lots of individual attention. And I knew it would be an urban experience. I mean, I was okay with the large group of guys smoking pot at the entrance to the park and even with the kids coming up and asking the lifeguards every 2 minutes why they couldn't swim yet. The mom with at least 8 youngsters coming by and cussing like crazy at the lifeguards and our kids because it wasn't time for her kids to swim yet was kinda crrazy. I guess I haven't been out in the neighborhood as much as usual lately!!
And this week Elizabeth is going to VBS every night at a large church in Fresno. Luke has to speak at the VBS every night because they are focusing on World IMpact for their missions emphasis, which means all their donations will go to the W.I. Fresno budget, which is awesome. So she is having a super-fun week. Poor Caleb gets lots of one-on-one time with Daddy and Mommy, but he misses Elizabeth.
Okay, I better rest for a couple minutes before the kids' naptime is over!
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