Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Chaffee Zoo

On a nice day in December, when W.I. has suddenly changed their vacation policy to a "use it or lose it" just before the end of the year, what to do? Go to the zoo!! Now, our kids get to go to the zoo ALL the time, and it's not that big of a zoo. But they still LOVE it! Usually Luke takes them and it's an "adventure". They love to go on adventures with Daddy. Often on Luke's day off Caleb will be yelling "bencher, bencher" which is his version of the word. So we all headed to the zoo yesterday after my usual Wednesday morning "coffee with the ladies" which is what Elizabeth calls Women's Covenant - the time when our staff ladies have coffee at a coffee shop every week and just talk, encourage, share advice, vent, etc. It was a fun time. Coffee and the zoo.

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