Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My kids crack me up...

Caleb is often saying things that crack us up. He's not intentionally funny, it's just his comments about life, etc.

Tonight he and I had finished eating dinner and he was anxiously asking for dessert. I told him that he and I were the only ones finished, everyone else was still eating. And he says, (complete with accent), "High five, Girl." I'm surprised he didn't suck his teeth at me.

Elizabeth, on the other hand, didn't crack me up, just made me kind of shake my head, when she said at dinner, "Mommy, I learned about hydrophilic and hydrophobic things today, and surfactants." She proceeded to then define them accurately and give examples of them all. How does my homeschooler learn these things without me knowing? By watching Fetch on PBS. It's a great show. And when she says stuff like that I'm sometimes kicking myself thinking that I could be teaching her so much more because she can obviously learn so much more. But she's okay where she's at right now, and I am working on it for next year.... And she does still love to learn.

And right now, it's too late and I need to sleep...


Margi Johnson said...

Hmmm... based upon what you've shared, I'm not sure I'm eager to allow Naomi to tune-in "Fetch"! What is it with our eldest and homeschooling? Naomi just corrected me on some Sumerian history

CA Skellys said...

I get it...Jason knows things, lots of things that I didn't teach him and honestly don't always know myself! Somehow they find ways to learn!