Friday, February 22, 2008

A sad day.

I am feeling very sad about this still. Our dog contracted parvo virus and died Wednesday night. Apparently it can live in the soil or in rodents. So if he ate a mouse..... He was very sick Wednesday morning and some friends who had nursed their dogs through parvo gave us websites, medicine, etc. I knew we could not afford the thousands of dollars that vet visits for parvo would cost. So I diligently gave him his medicine and pedialyte hourly on Wednesday till bedtime. But during the night he took a turn for the worse.....

So Hines is buried with many chickens and bunnies and who knows what else in our backyard.

Sad days...


Unknown said...

So sorry Gretchen and family . . .

Unknown said...

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your dog Gretchen. May God replace your sadness with happier times:) Love, Joanne