Thursday, December 13, 2007

A new family member?

Okay, we got a dog! We haven't finalized the name, but it seems we're calling him Hines, after a favorite Steeler and also it's pronounced the same as Heinz, so it's like their stadium too! He's a black lab puppy. I thought he'd be an inside dog, but Caleb goes absolutely nutso when he's in the house-shrieking and crying and everything. So....I guess he'll be an outside dog. It's kinda sad for me, but oh, well! He'll protect our yard.

Elizabeth was on a First Lego League Jr. Robotics team this fall. They learned about alternative energy sources. They didn't compete like the older teams, but they did get to display all of the things they made at the competition. She really enjoyed it even though she was the only girl. It adds a different dynamic - her house didn't have guns and force fields like the boys' houses. Hers was the only one with a yard!!

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