Sunday, December 16, 2007
Christmas fun times
Thursday, December 13, 2007
A new family member?
Elizabeth was on a First Lego League Jr. Robotics team this fall. They learned about alternative energy sources. They didn't compete like the older teams, but they did get to display all of the things they made at the competition. She really enjoyed it even though she was the only girl. It adds a different dynamic - her house didn't have guns and force fields like the boys' houses. Hers was the only one with a yard!!
Children's Museum of the Sierra
More entries to come....
Monday, November 12, 2007
Harvest costumes
Saturday, October 27, 2007
So Monday we decided to check out the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library nearby. It was so windy up there too. We wanted to see Air Force One, and by the pictures you can see that we did. That part was very amazing. The building that houses it is just awesome, it looks like the plane is going to take off out the window. The whole museum was pretty interesting and "impressive" to borrow a word from Elizabeth.
Finally on Wednesday the winds died down for us on the coast and it was a beautiful beach day - over 90 degrees I think! Our Elizabeth was in the chilly water in her wet suit forever. She got to the point where she can boogie board on her own. She's growing up... Emma chased birds all over the beach. she calls them, "Fwa fwa". I don't know why. Caleb just ran and ran and attacked the waves.
Thursday and Friday returned to normal beach weather - 60's and cloudy-ish. Still the kids loved it. Since Luke's sister Kate and her husband Josh joined us for the week from New Jersey, Luke and I got to ride in the sea kayak and see seals and go out for lunch one day too!
I love the beach. It's my most favorite place to visit...
Thursday, October 18, 2007
A tiring morning....
We had an interesting weekend at the Oaks for the Directors' Conference. Lots of talking. It was kind of exhausting for me, an introvert, to make conversation all weekend with people I really don't know. But it is always good to be reminded of the big picture with World Impact. Keith reiterated our commitment to planting churches, which
The other picture is a view driving home from the Oaks. The wild west.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Six Great Years
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Soccer once again
Monday, September 10, 2007
A hike
No matter how many times I visit Yosemite - and I've been there countless times now - I am always in total awe at the beauty and uniqueness of it. All hand-crafted by God for His glory and maybe a bit for our enjoyment as well. =)
Saturday, August 25, 2007
A sad loss
Sunday, August 12, 2007
More vacation pics
Prior to Kate's house we visited my grandmother in Mt. Jewett, PA. She and my aunts took us to Twin Lakes for a day,and it was so beautiful. The trees, and the lake and everything. It was a very relaxing day for me. Elizabeth and Caleb splashed in the lake and I let Emma crawl all over the grass. They have soft grass in PA. Not like our poky grass.
We also stayed with friends Geoff and Michele in Pittsburgh, but I did not take any pictures at their house! Shame on me. It was great fun seeing them and their kids.
On our last day we met up with Luke's mom and dad and sister Margaret at the Pittsburgh Zoo. We got to see the new polar bear exhibit. I thought it was just a below-water viewing area, but it was a tunnel! I was so surprised and it was amazing. They had just fed the polar bears before we went through, so they were swimming above us and beside us - very cool! Then for fun we stayed at a hotel the night before our flight and swam in their pool. And flew home the next day.
So all that was 3 weeks ago... Now... Emma is walking finally. Still very stumbly, but so cute. Caleb is finally going on the potty... ALL the time. So everyone is growing up. Next Monday (Aug. 20) Elizabeth and I will start first grade. She's excited, especially about spelling. I'm excited about spelling too. In school, I always wished I could be the teacher and give the spelling words for tests and use them in a sentence.
I am very much rambling. It is past 11 and I'm tired.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Emma's First Birthday
Fourth of July with Grandparents!
So - our first week was spent in Point, PA - near Bedford - with Luke's parents and we got to see all of his sisters and their husbands at various times. The Fourth of July we spent at his parents' in-progress home on a hill. We cooked over the open fire for lunch and dinner and ate in what will be the dining room. Then we all headed to the river for fireworks. It rained a bit, but the fireworks still happened. Emma loved them and Caleb fell asleep - again.
We also enjoyed trips to swim in the lake at Shawnee State Park near their home. It was, as usual, a great time with family.
Monday, June 25, 2007
One busy week
Caleb and Elizabeth are going to VBS every morning this week from 9-12, which is mostly good, it's just a rush getting out of the house - then we pick them up and speed to swimming lessons at 12:20. We have meetings/events every evening this week. This morning I had another appointment at 9:45 plus staff fellowship at our house at noon. Tomorrow Emma and I will head out early to Tulare, CA with a few other women to check out a thrift store there and get ideas for ours here. Then we head back to Fresno and I'll maybe meet up with Luke at the swimming lessons and take the kids swimming at a pool to meet our summer college interns!
And next Monday we leave town for our 3-week east coast tour!
Whoever said summers were lazy???
Monday, June 18, 2007
Babysitting Co-Op Fun!
And the music is in honor of Caleb, our own pirate boy.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Friends and family
We've enjoyed more visits with friends and family. This is the year when everyone is visiting us, and it's such a huge blessing for us. Last weekend Luke's sister Hannah and her husband Steve were on a cross-country driving vacation and they stopped with us for a few days. We took them to Avila beach one day. It was 55 degrees there when we arrived - and only about 58 when we left. Such is the nature of CA beaches. But of course our kids went swimming. Caleb loved the frigid water. Emma ate lots of sand and crawled around chasing birds. Oh - and Elizabeth lost her first tooth last Saturday! She is growing up...
Today my friend Kerry (from middle school, high school, etc.)and her husband and kids came to see us for just a little while. They live near San Jose now, so we've been able to see them a couple times a year, but they are moving to Washington, D.C. in the fall! We will miss seeing them so often. sigh...
Our kids love to have visitors and count the minutes until more arrive. I think now it is our turn to be the visitors - only 4 weeks until our big trip.
Recent fun kid quote:
Caleb: God is in Pennsylvania. We better go there.
Mommy: God is everywhere, Caleb.
Elizabeth (very thoughtfully): Except Canada.
Sorry to any Canadians out there!!! We know He's there too!!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
A Skelly family visit
This weekend we enjoyed a fun little visit with the Skelly family! Andrew and I went to high school together and he also went to PSU with Luke and me, where he and Luke became better friends. Now he lives with his wife Jocelyn in Orange County, so we see them.....hmm, about every 3 years?! They have 3 kids about the ages of ours but opposite gender. They enjoyed playing together!
Also, on Saturday, Caleb had his last t-ball game and got this bobble head trophy. He loves it and has been sleeping with it at naps and bedtime.
Okay, I don't know what happened to the slide show. If y0u click on "view all images", you should see it. Sorry.
Friday, May 11, 2007
another day trip
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Hello summer?
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
very happy feet
Our Easter was pretty quiet. Church and ham. Talking on the phone to our long-distance relatives. It was a nice day overall. Today I'm making some amazing split pea soup with the leftover ham. Well anyway it's amazing when my friend Kim makes it. We'll see if mine can come close! It's a rainy and cool day, so it's great for soup.
Anyone out there have any expertise on running a thrift store? The great people who manage ours are leaving town on us =), so we're gathering ideas, information, etc.
Happy spring and happy feet to you too!!
Monday, April 02, 2007
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
You are my sunshine....
Friday, March 09, 2007
Ridin' bikes at the park
I'm about to buy plane tickets for a 3-week trip to PA this summer. I'll let everyone know the exact dates after I've bought them. We're still debating between 2 different ones. I'm already excited about it and it's at least 3 months away! But we have lots of planning to do - visiting supporting churches and friends and family. Still - I'm very excited! Yay!
A new 'do
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Visit from Aunt K
While she was here we had a busy week. We went to the zoo, the library, the mall, and on Friday we took a ride out to Monterey, one of my favorite places - such a gorgeous area. It was a cold, windy day there, however that did not deter the kids from playing industriously on the beach. Emma had a rough day, so I spent some time hanging out with her in the warm car while the others enjoyed the sunshine and fresh air. We went climbing on the rocks, which you're not supposed to do, but how can you resist? Caleb is quite the adventurer and puts fear into my heart and I need to let him go - to some extent anyway - and be the little boy adventurer that he is. I missed the picture of him clinging to a sheer wall of rock. Yikes! We also went to a park there where they got to climb on the train engine. Don't miss Caleb's camo sunglasses. He loves them! (Actually, I had to do some work to convince him NOT to get the sparkly pink ones.) Much fun.
So we will attempt to return to our "normal" schedule now. But we will miss her. Anyone else who wants to come visit is so welcome!!!