Well, a couple weeks ago Peep and Marshmallow met with an early demise when we unwisely left them with all the other chickens to roam our yard looking for bugs while we were inside. I saw a cat grab Marshmallow and run, but by the time I got out there the cat was gone and so was Peep. I felt SOOOO bad! So we told Elizabeth she could get two new chicks. But our feed store keeps selling out of them. Last Thursday they got 100 in, and Luke took her about an hour later and they were gone! Since she was on the verge of tears, one of the farmers chased their own chickens around the yard and finally caught a smallish one for her and gave it to her for free. It is not as young and cute as the others, but "Her name is Chirpy and I love her", said Elizabeth. (Elizabeth is holding Chirpy in the above picture.)
That same afternoon Chirpy escaped from our yard. Luke searched the neighborhood and could not find her. But that evening she was back in our yard again. Strange..... She is big enough to live with the other chickens but they do not like her. She keeps finding new ways to escape the coop, but she does stay in the yard now. The chickens are getting on Luke's nerves.....
Luke is feeling relieved because he had a big meeting today with a bunch of contractors and other businessmen/supporters to try to get a building project off the ground in our Hidalgo neighborhood. He thinks it went well. The general contractor is definitely on board and one other contractor has agreed to donate all of their work as well. The others are still deciding, I think, but we are praying that one way or another this project will get going. This building has been just standing there for years waiting.... Eventually it will be a kind of drop-in place on the downstairs for maybe an after-school program and Bible clubs, etc. Upstairs will be one or two small apartments for staff or interns.
Elizabeth has had her third ballet class and still loves it. I get to watch the class and it is quite a hoot to watch several 2-4 year-olds try to learn to skip. Their general lack of grace and coordination is very apparent. I try to do some "school" with her everyday. She loves the reading things but hates the writing letters part. So we try to do a little bit of writing everyday. That part is slow....
Caleb is getting over a cold and is grumpy at times. He is such a boy and always can spot a "ball" wherever it might be. He also knows the difference - both by sight and sound - between planes and helicopters, since both fly over our house frequently. It's cute when he hears a helicopter, he gets very excited and says, "Heli, heli, heli".
This week the temps are supposed to be in the 80's and I am so excited! Yay fall!
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