I can hardly believe that my little watermelon is big enough to climb the ladder to the slide all by herself. Ahh, it is bittersweet as they grow. Wonderful for them to be able to do more on their own, but so sad as they leave behind their cute, sweet baby ways. Just now as she was playing in the kitchen she was singing, "hug-a-baby, hug-a-baby" in a very cute voice, sounding like all one word. The things I hope to remember...
The heat of summer has hit us off and on, this week it is only in the mid-90's. That means it's nice and cool at night and in the mornings. I am glad for the kids to have activities like VBS - oh, VBB - and swimming lessons to keep them somewhat occupied. This has been the first summer that I really have felt like Elizabeth needs SOMETHING to do other than hanging around home asking me what she can do all the time.... Although it was also nice last week for me to have a "week off" from kids' activities. No driving, rushing out the door, etc. I am hoping to re-charge and be excited for new curriculum for school in the fall and have some new ideas for creative ways for Elizabeth to learn next year...