Saturday, October 27, 2007


We just returned from a week of vacation at the W.I. beach house in...Southern California. Hmmm, what's been happening there this week? Oh, that's right, wildfires!! While we weren't close enough to be in danger of them, they were burning all around us. On our first full day, Sunday, those horrid Santa Ana winds were blowing so strongly that we could not be on the beach or even outside at all because the sand was whipping around and in our eyes. Then later that day the big black cloud of smoke rolled in. It was so strange and eerie. I had a bathroom window open and when I went in, everything was black! I cleaned it and when I swept up, it looked like ash from a fireplace. So we were stuck indoors for a couple days.

So Monday we decided to check out the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library nearby. It was so windy up there too. We wanted to see Air Force One, and by the pictures you can see that we did. That part was very amazing. The building that houses it is just awesome, it looks like the plane is going to take off out the window. The whole museum was pretty interesting and "impressive" to borrow a word from Elizabeth.

Finally on Wednesday the winds died down for us on the coast and it was a beautiful beach day - over 90 degrees I think! Our Elizabeth was in the chilly water in her wet suit forever. She got to the point where she can boogie board on her own. She's growing up... Emma chased birds all over the beach. she calls them, "Fwa fwa". I don't know why. Caleb just ran and ran and attacked the waves.

Thursday and Friday returned to normal beach weather - 60's and cloudy-ish. Still the kids loved it. Since Luke's sister Kate and her husband Josh joined us for the week from New Jersey, Luke and I got to ride in the sea kayak and see seals and go out for lunch one day too!

I love the beach. It's my most favorite place to visit...

Thursday, October 18, 2007

A tiring morning....

Today we spent the morning at the pediatrician's office. No one is sick, it was just time for Elizabeth's well-child check-up. Of course we waited a long time to see the doctor and then she suggested that we do flu shots for all 3 kids today. "Sure, why not?!" I said. Elizabeth was the most nervous, but she hardly even noticed the shot and said it didn't hurt at all. Caleb was next. He started screaming and threw himself onto the floor. My tough guy. I finally wrestled him onto the table and he let out a bloodcurdling shriek that everyone in the office heard. Meanwhile, Emma stood and watched it all and looked at me as if to say, "Don't you dare get me up there, Mom." But she's little and I had no problem getting her onto the table. She made no sound at all the entire time.

Betcha didn't know that Emma had such big feet, huh? She loves shoes. She loves wearing her big sister's shoes especially. She actually CAN walk in them. She is a big ham and will smile and laugh at the camera. Emma loves to have everyone looking at HER.

We had an interesting weekend at the Oaks for the Directors' Conference. Lots of talking. It was kind of exhausting for me, an introvert, to make conversation all weekend with people I really don't know. But it is always good to be reminded of the big picture with World Impact. Keith reiterated our commitment to planting churches, which is always great to hear. Hey, if you haven't heard of TUMI, it is very exciting. Right now we have 35 TUMI satellites in 14 states and 6 countries! AND Prison Fellowship is using TUMI in prisons. That is so cool. If you want more info, check out

The other picture is a view driving home from the Oaks. The wild west.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Six Great Years

Elizabeth celebrated her sixth birthday yesterday. She and I discussed several party options, and she chose to have a tea party with just two of her friends, Abby and Leanna. So they came for lunch (checkerboard PB& J, fruit salad, yogurt, pretzels) and tea (chocolate milk) served in a friend's Japanese tea set. Then they made tiaras and ate her teapot-shaped cake and ice cream, and played with her new presents. I think she felt pretty special, she said she wants to have a tea party again next year! it was fun, especially since Luke took Caleb and Emma on a picnic during the party. I especially enjoyed hearing the girls talk while they were eating - they are growing up!

Life has been such a whirlwind here lately. Last Thursday was our fundraising banquet, and things are usually pretty hectic around that time. It went pretty well. We haven't had one in a few years, so we are getting back into practice. I'm glad it's over for this year! Tomorrow Luke and I are going to tthe Oaks for the annual Directors' Conference. This year they invited spouses for a change. I don't have to go to all the boring meetings, so hopefully I will get some rest and quiet and also some time to fellowship with the other wives. I am going to miss our kids though. Especially Emma. She seems so little still...
A week after that we are headed to the beach house for VACATION!!! I am so ready for that....