Caleb had his first t-ball game on Saturday. They have a 3-year-old division, and the parents have to be on the field with their children, so I thought it was pretty chaotic. I have to admit, sometimes I have a hard time entering into the parent craziness. (Jumping onto the field to film them, crowding around yelling, etc.) But I also noticed that many of the participants are the oldest children, so.... Caleb has wanted his own activity for awhile. Elizabeth has lots, so we are giving him the chance to play t-ball. He did pretty well after some initial shyness. I was surprised at how aggressive he was at fielding the ball. He was on the ground a couple of times! And he's very excited that his team's color is blue!
Elizabeth has begun rehearsals for the garden ballet on most Saturdays into May, so she is not playing t-ball this year. It is very cute. She's also started going to Awana. A church near us started it, so we don't have to drive her very far. She is almost obsessive about it. Last week she was very proud because she memorized all the verses, etc. to get her vest and handbook. Then she read the entire handbook and is memorizing as much as possible to get the next patches or whatever.
Emma is scooting around on her belly fairly quickly. Sometimes she actually crawls, but she's still getting that part down. lately she's been exercising her voice a lot - by screaming. We don't enjoy that a whole lot! She also says "Mama" and "Dada" a lot. She usually says "Dada" when she's happy and "Mama" when she wants something! She loves to eat whatever food we give her.
Fun times. We're still working on our summer trip schedule. Although we were hugely blessed to receive funds which more than cover the rental of a minivan for us. God is good! And the people He works through too!