I guess it's fall anyway. I put out my few fall decorations, but now it's hot here again. Oh, well, soon anyway! We had a good but busy weekend. Friday was our first park day with Tower Christian School - the homeschool group. They have one each month and they do P.E. for awhile, then have a meeting and eat lunch and sometimes have a guest speaker or something. It was fun, Elizabeth enjoys anytime she gets to play with other kids, and Caleb enjoyed it too! Saturday she had another soccer game and then Saturday night we had our date night courtesy of our babysitting co-op. We had a yummy dinner out and then got free coffee at a new coffee place called Dutch Bros. They were having a grand opening and giving away any drink for free all day Saturday so I had a yummy iced mocha (decaf of course, for Emma's sake!). I, too, love Starbucks. This coffee was very good too, but it's not close to the places I usually go. We were excited this weekend because both the Penn State and the Steelers games were on here, which almost never happens. Sadly, they both LOST! What is up with that?Today, back to the week. Elizabeth did great with school. I was running around cleaning up to have our staff here at lunchtime and she did all of her phonics lesson herself! Without complaining! I am thankful for small blessings like that!

Elizabeth had her first soccer game on Saturday. It's at the same church where she played tee ball. It's great because it's so non-competitive and there are no practices during the week - just a little bit before each game. Anyway, it was fun to watch and it was a great, cool day (that means 70's for us). She's also taking ballet class again. They're doing Snow White this semester, so for the last 15 minutes or so of each class they dress up and dance like some characters from Snow White. Last week they were diamonds because the dwarves work in the diamond mines. They had very fun sparkly silver sequined outfits and then Miss Marcia turned out the light and shined a spotlight on them so they were super-sparkly. It was fun and of course the girls loved it!
Caleb loves the Steelers. Hmmm, I wonder why? And he loves trucks and dinosaurs. He has a bit of a cold and is runny nosed right now, but other than that he's fine. He loves to play outside and dig in the dirt when we let him.
Emma's fine. She's so amazingly cute. When she's eating we've started this routine that part way through she "sits" on my lap and looks at me and she just smiles and smiles and coos at me. It's so fun! When I look at her I think, "Oh, I could have another one". Help! I need someone to talk some sense into me.
I'm doing okay. Enjoying some cool weather - at least the nights and mornings anyway. It's crazy how these hot, dry months get to me. I'm so thankful and relieved for the coolness. And next month maybe it will even rain! Last week we had a disconcerting day when I looked outside in the afternoon and our street was blocked off at the corner where our house is - by police cars. Noticing the large group of people standing and staring, I went outside and looked and 2 houses down there were 6 or more police cars and many cops with guns drawn and pointed at the house. I went back inside with my kids! By the time Luke got home from work the cops had started leaving and he went out and talked to the guy who lives in that house. Turns out there was a shooting nearby and they had implicated him, so he let the cops search his house, and they didn't find anything. Still a little crazy. But good to live in the neighborhood where we are and LUke could go out and talk to him and be a neighbor.
Enjoy your almost-fall days wherever you are!