Things are still going well here. Elizabeth LOVES to hold Emma. Actually, she loves to talk to, read to, and sing to Emma and does that for quite awhile everyday. What a good big sister she's been so far! And Emma seems to be calmed by Elizabeth too.
Caleb is into being Superman. The kids went with Daddy to Burger King while I was in the hospital, and Caleb got these Superman glasses there. He came to the hospital wearing them and Luke and I were laughing so hard, it was hurting my incision. When the kids went to walk the halls with me in the hospital, Caleb still wore them the whole time. Very funny. Anyway, here he is with a "cape" and he likes to "fly" when he's Superman. He has learned that there are times when I can't get to him (when I'm feeding Emma) and then he is very mischievous and disobedient. I have to remind myself that he IS two....
We are having a super-long, hot heatwave here. We have had two days of 113 temperatures and many near or at 110. At night the lows are around 90! I am so thankful for air conditioning, but dread our next electric bill. Actually, I guess the whole state of California is in danger of power outages due to such a prolonged heat wave. I hope that doesn't happen.
So all is well. Mommy and Daddy are TIRED. Emma is still learning about night time sleeping. But she is such a cutie and generally a very good baby. She only really cries when she's hungry and sometimes when she wants to be held.
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