Here's Elizabeth with some of our beautiful spring flowers. The jasmine smells so pretty, and we can smell it in our living room when the windows are open. Geraniums do wonderfully here, you can see my Martha Washington geranium. And then there's both kids climbing the cherry tree!!
I can't believe that tomorrow is the last day of May! Time is flying by these days. Before we know it the baby will be here - yikes! - and I am not ready! I guess I'd better get moving .... sorting through the kids' old newborn clothes, cleaning the car seat and baby bath tub....those things should be done soon I guess! Things here will continue to be busy until a few days before the baby's birth. Summer is just really busy here. Thankfully Luke has cleared his schedule for a couple weeks after the birth so he can help out at home a little more. Last week Luke and I enjoyed a night away alone together in Monterey. Our 10th anniversary is June 22, and by that stage I will not be able to go anywhere, and also things are so busy we wouldn't be able to anyway. So this was just a little getaway for us. It was great, it's so beautiful in the Monterey area and it was SUNNY while we were there, so we enjoyed a gorgeous sunset over the state beach nearby. And dinner in our favorite seafood restaurant. Very nice. Well it's off to do laundry and maybe if the kids cooperate I can start to sort through some baby clothes. We'll see....

Yesterday Elizabeth had her last ballet class of the semester, and the students did a special pirate dance for us parents. You can see her at left yelling " Yo ho ho!" And on the right she is taking her turn showing off the different steps they have learned this year. It was pretty cute. I think we're going to take the summer off from ballet and hopefully pick up with it again in August. She will miss it, but life will be very busy.
I had a great Mother's Day. The kids and Luke brought me pancakes in bed in the morning with some roses cut from my garden. They made lots of great Mother's Day cards for me too. Luke's was so nice. Caleb kept saying it was my birthday! And for dinner we went to my favorite Thai restaurant, which is one of Elizabeth's favorite restaurants too. And I got to have my favorite chicken with green curry. YUMMMM....... She had sticky rice and ate the whole bowl! Caleb ate several helpings of Luke's chicken. That's always an amazing feat - Caleb eating, that is.
The kids have been swimming in their pool every day. It was 99 degrees here today. We're supposed to have a cool-down into the 80's soon, so that will be welcome.
I did schedule the c-section for July 17. So our new baby will be born that day - or sooner if he/she decides to, but given my past history, that is unlikely.
We are starting to have WARM weather in Fresno. That means 90's. To me it's hot, but compared to 105, it's nothing! So the kids swam in their new pool for the first time today. Even Caleb splashed around quite a bit in it. He's not as fond of the water as Elizabeth is. She is going to take swimming lessons this summer. I went to a women's retreat last weekend in the foothills at a place called St. Anthony Retreat. It's a Catholic retreat center that I've been to a few times before, but I really like it. It's so pretty and peaceful there and they make yummy food too! There were only 7 of us in our group from W.I. and our church plant, but it was still a really good time to be quiet and spend some time with Jesus. And we played Mexican Train Dominoes until very late on Friday night! We were all a little giddy.... to say the least!! Anyway, it was good to get away for a day and a night. Luke's had some tough director-stuff to do lately. He's done it though, and I'm proud of him. Not that there aren't residual effects that he has to deal with still, but it's all good. In the end anyway. He's tired. Allergies are driving both of us nuts right now. Well, time for us to gear up for summer. And the baby too. Not sure the exact date he/she will be born yet, but I'm thinking probably around July 17. I see my doctor on Friday and I'm going to ask her if we shouldn't be scheduling that soon??That's it for now. Ta ta!!