Life was busy there for a few weeks, but now it should settle down - at least for awhile! We've been enjoying warm temperatures in the 70's here for a couple weeks, but in a day or two it will be back to the 50's. Spring is the best time in Fresno and the most beautiful months - I think - are March and April. It's like summertime is in Erie. Our flowering trees are already flowering, which makes me laugh because they just lost their leaves around Christmas.
Oh! The picture is Elizabeth with her friend Abby dressed as princesses at one of our nights with the babysitting co-op. They are both so girly! It's fun....
Things in our neighborhood have settled down considerably. Some of our other W.I. staff had a shooting on their street last night. At least 2 young guys who we all know were shot and have lived but have extremely serious and possibly still life-threatening injuries. It was a gang thing. It's hard when the children of good people are involved in things like that.
The pregnancy is going well. Now that I'm past the sickness and extreme tiredness, I'm feeling happier in general. I still at times feel scared of having 3 kids, but I think it will work out. Elizabeth and Caleb have been playing nicely together more and more often, and it's so awesome to see.
Well I'm off. One thing - I keep getting colds during this pregnancy! My lowered immune system plus kids bringing in every sickness around has hit me hard, so I have another miserable one right now!
Happy Valentine's Day tomorrow!!!